Friday, July 8, 2011


my life has gone through a whirlwind of changes since my last post in September. my marriage of sixteen years came to an end (though a longed for change it did not come without its struggles), i met my soulmate and i moved from Michigan to North Carolina to be with him. we live in the little house behind the bigger house with a cat named Ganesh in love, bliss, and rhythmic harmony, and are anticipating the arrival our baby this December. we've just been accepted to give birth at the only birthing center in North Carolina by a group of amazing, wise, and intuitive midwives (it was an incredible task to find someone who would perform an out of hospital birth here in NC, so we are incredibly grateful).

my outerworld finally feels aligned with my innerworld, and i sometimes just sit in awe and disbelief that this is actually my life. i feel like i am livin' my dream.

with love and light.


{{{in an attempt to put some money aside for our transition into bringing a child into our lives i am having an "In Celebration of Baby Sale" in my Etsy Shoppe... }}}